Sunday, November 02, 2008

New Fireplace


Installed a new fireplace in our house...haha.  Ok, I really hook up my laptop to my TV and run the screensaver.  It has fire sound effects and all.  I've actually grown quite fond of it.  It brings somewhat of a cozy ambience to the house that reminds me of Gran and Grandpa's house/fireplace.



Jetti's 16th Birthday Party...and Kids

Picture 220Picture 219

My Gorgeous Daughter

Picture 159

Picture 163

Picture 171

Picture 175

Picture 180

Picture 190

Picture 199

Grants Classic Centerfold Shot

Picture 151

Picture 158

This is Grants classic pose (i.e. He quite frequently lays like this).  Corrie and I call it the Centerfold Stance.

Cracked Me Up

Picture 115

Caught em Snoozing!

Picture 003

Picture 004

Shots of Our Kiddos

Picture 065

Picture 058

Picture 070

Picture 080

Picture 081

Picture 085

Picture 095

Picture 108

Picture 111